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Fun at the Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival - Spring 2022!

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to show my work in the Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival. Despite the cold, rainy weather, there was great turn out which was really surprising and rewarding! It took me a solid day afterwards to recuperate and process the event and really all I keep thinking is just how grateful I am (and tired) to have had that experience.

Showing my work at these crafts shows and festivals is no small feat. There is so much work that goes into planning, preparing the booth set up, framing and packaging all of the artwork, setting it all up, and tearing it all down. All of this goes on behind the scenes unnoticed but it is a real, real effort. What makes it all worth the work is having the ability to connect with people about the inspiration behind what I do, the places we’ve traveled, or the things we’ve grown in our garden. As someone who is not innately as social and is much more comfortable alone in my studio, I find it surprisingly enjoyable to connect with people through art.

This weekend was a real joy and I appreciate every hello, good conversation, and every single one of you who supported me by collecting one of my original works or prints. I am so humbled and appreciative! Also, my big “Causeway Coast” diptych got her debut which was very very fun! You can see just how big it is in this photo. It will launch with the video series coming out this summer, so stay tuned.

What was most popular?

Woodland paintings hanging in a gallery wall

By far, the most popular originals to sell this past weekend were my woodland subjects. Mushrooms and ferns won the day and I happily parted with some of my personal favorites that went to exactly the right people. I could not be more grateful. It is so rewarding to have someone really connect with my work enough to want to bring it home with them. I now only have a few original woodland pieces left in the shop!
If you'd like to see what is still available, click the button below!
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